26 Apr 2013

I want my sparkle back

Last seen under a bushel
if found  please return to 33 Fabulous Avenue, Coolsville 6019. 

12 Apr 2013

Fairest of them All

I may not be the fairest of them all and I might not always like what I see but put a reflective surface in front of me and I can't help myself and the teenager is just as bad.

I have two giant mirrors 2m x 1.5m both with ornate carved frames, one in antique gold the other in high gloss black and they never fail to raise an eyebrow when someone new comes to visit. My eyebrows almost shot off my head when one was broken recently and the glass alone cost $1300 to replace.

There's no wall space left but I can't stop looking at looking glasses!

5 Apr 2013

Tom Boy Winter

We've had the longest hottest summer I can remember and while the rain is still holding back we're just starting to get cooler nights.

We've still got a couple of weeks of outdoor movies down at Silo Park and there are a few more birthday BBQ's to go till we hunker down inside so it's time to pack a few warmer accessories into my handbag.

With the teenager having already commandeered my favourite beanie I'll be on the hunt for a new one and I'll be checking out both the guys and girls sections as winter is the perfect time for a spot of tomboy dressing.

Here's what I'll be rocking this winter:

1 Apr 2013

Simplest of Pleasures

As a kid Easter was my favourite time of year. My Mum would always hide my easter eggs around the house (actually she still does) and after I had gathered them, in my specially appointed basket complete with ribbons and fake hay in the bottom, I would squirrel them away and make them last as long as possible.

This usually wasn't that long as my mother is like an airport sniffer dog, if the dogs were allowed to drink wine and cocaine were chocolate.

I still love Easter in fact I still love a whole lot of things from my childhood:

Play-doh - still habitually sniff and taste it everytime
Bouncy Castles - recently at a 10th birthday party the kids had to flee as middle aged bodies pinged off the walls
Hydro Slides - apart from the bit at the end when you get spat out with your bikini wedged up your bum
Crayons -  argh the inner turmoil as I look at my expansive white walls
Lego - so many applications around the house, not least as a human cattle stop, walking on hot coals is nothing compared to walking on lego
Fireworks - like diamonds in the sky

Indulge in your favourite childhood things this long weekend because all your adult responsibilities will still be there on Tuesday.