17 Aug 2012

Confidence Trickster

Some days I need to trick myself into feeling confident . I call these hormonal confusion days . Here’s what gets me through those days:
Fancy smancy underwear – I’m not a lacy girl but I do feel rebellious when I wear fluorescent and bright colours especially under a dark suit

Smelling like a boudoir – perfume makes me happy so I don’t apologise to those who have to get in a lift with me, suck it up!
Very very high shoes – it’s hard to feel confident when everyone is looking down at you including your 13yo
Going Italian – for me this is a reminder to slow down and take my time. Italians do not rush or get flustered they saunter usually with a coffee in hand and their civilisation has not crumbled.

Chocolate for Breakfast – if you can’t make it to the gym and exercise the endorphins into action eat the chocolate now go the gym later, it’s called balance people.
I realise some of you are probably reeling from the idea of eating chocolate, while teetering into work late smelling like a perfumery but I must say it helps me no end.

I suggest that everyone make a list of the simple things that make them feel happy and confident and keep it handy for when the evil PMT strikes!
Better yet circulate it to the members of your household so when they see the smoke coming out of the top of your head they can fetch them for you instead of screaming she’s gonna blow and hiding under the couch.