19 Nov 2011

Prawn on a Stick Day

Prawn on a stick day otherwise known as Grey Lynn Festival, is a great opportunity to eat and shop (combining my 2 favorite things - pure genius). A tip for first timers is to buy vintage on the spot, but try and get websites for new stuff and buy later as some  vendors increase their prices for the Grey Lynn millionaires. 

We couldn't find the prawn on a stick vendors first time round, which probably made my shopping skills more focused as we went round because I spotted these gorgeous snake skin ankle boots from about 20ft away through a throng of people.

These vendors had great vintage stuff including these cute brooches. They are based in Tirau so I think a roadtrip to all the vintage stores down there is going on the todo list for summer.

I also loved this street entertainer who was doing all sorts of contortion tricks (reminder to self: go back to yoga) and her wonderful china doll makeup. All the little girls were spellbound.

And our day was complete when we finally found the prawn vendors.

Photo credit: Me. Loving the new Samsung camera