9 Jan 2012

Trash vs pash

I am going to start 2012 as I mean to continue surrounding myself with only things I am passionate about and counting my blessings. First step clear out that wardrobe. Second step acknowledge how blessed I am to have such a large wardrobe and also a storage space where I can keep out of season items I can't bear to part with.

After cruising the net looking for ideas on how to organise my wardrobe I ended up going to my fav fash bloggers to see how they handle things.

My third step will be to organise a clothes swap party so I can trade my unwanted items and encourage my girlfriends to do the same. Selling your clothes on Trade Me and such like is cool but a clothes swap party is a great excuse for the girls to get together and an opportunity to get input from others on what suits you.

Judy Aldridge's Wardrobe in her Texas home www.atlantishome.com

Kelly Framel's wardrobe www.thegalmourai.com

My humble effort (which took about 4 hours!!)