6 Aug 2013

Everyone Needs a Dodgy Friend

While I rely mainly on experience and instinct I cannot try on every piece of clothing in the universe (those who have shopped with me may disagree) and this is where a dodgy mate can come in handy. Not dodgy as in "Can you take this boogy board with you to Bali" but dodgy as in will give anything a go.

While experience and photographic evidence tells me overalls did not flatter me in 1978, even though my mother did a splendid job quilting that brown waterproof fabric,  I need a dodgy mate of roughly the same proportions to give them a go.

And while my enthusiasm for "Jellies" was noted by the sales assistant at Wild Pair who claims she saw me gasp and mouth the word "Jellies" well before I reached the door, 30 years have not dulled my memory of the pain caused by wearing plastic shoes in the height of summer, rub rub blister blister need I say more.

It is not that I want my dodgy mate to have sore feet or appear foolish, in fact a dodgy mate is usually someone who is so out there that people are more likely to gasp if they turn up in jeans and tshirt as opposed to full Cindy Lauper circa 1986.

I just need someone with a sense of adventure to check out what technological advances have been made in non blistering plastic over the last three decades and how a flat bibbed piece of denim sits over E cups as opposed to the chest of a four year old.

I could go by how these lovelies look but who knows what amount of airbrushing and sticky plasters has been used. Is band-aid a listed company? this could be something to look into.